All tagged Artificial Intelligence

Improving Operations with AI and Machine Learning Algorithms

To deliver exemplary user experiences within the confines a chatbot requires not viewing data as just a by-product of the apps, but a critical feature that enables organisations to identify the goals of visitors to their platforms, apps and websites.

What are users’ goals, and how do you leverage chatbot data in a way that helps them take action, make decisions and achieve their goals?

A key success factor for chatbots and natural language user interfaces is how well they can support user needs in the conversational process seamlessly and efficiently.

Supply Chains and Counterfeit Drugs

According the World Health Organisation (WHO) counterfeit drugs are estimated to have kill 250,000 children a year. With an estimated 1 million adults suffering a similar fate. Counterfeit drugs have also contributed to an increase in drug resistance in treating serious global diseases.

Counterfeiting is a high-volume high profit business the poses health risks, infringes on intellectual property rights, medicines legislation and other aspects of criminal law. Indirect impacts are loss of revenue for pharmaceutical companies, brand damage and decreased public confidence.